Gesture options

👍 ‌ ‌Vue UseGesture offers different options to configure the gestures.

Some options are generic to the way 👍 ‌ ‌Vue UseGesture behaves while some other options can be configured per gesture.

Structure of the config object

Depending on whether you use gesture-specific hooks or if you use the useGesture hook, you'll need to structure the config option object differently.

// when you use a gesture-specific hook
useDrag(state => doSomethingWith(state), { ...genericOptions, ...dragOptions })

// when you use the useGesture hook
useGesture(state => doSomethingWith(state), {
  // global options such as `domTarget`
  // gesture specific options
  drag:   dragOptions,
  wheel:  wheelOptions,
  pinch:  pinchOptions,
  scroll: scrollOptions,
  wheel:  wheelOptions,
  hover:  hoverOptions,

Generic options

Generic options deal with how 👍 ‌ ‌Vue UseGesture will set event listeners.

domTargetLets you specify a dom node or Vue ref you want to attach the gesture to.
eventOptionsLets you customize if you want events to be passive or captured.
windowLets you specify which window element the gesture should bind events to (only relevant for the drag gesture).
enabledWhen set to false none of your handlers will be fired.

Gesture options

Here are all options that can be applied to gestures.

All options are not available to all gestures. In the table below xy designates coordinates-based gestures: drag, move, wheel and scroll.

enabledallWhether the gesture is enabled.
initialallThe initial position movement should start from.
thresholdallThe handler will fire only when the gesture displacement is greater than the threshold.
triggerAllEventsallForces the handler to fire even for non intentional displacement (ignores the threshold). In that case, the intentional attribute from state will remain false until the threshold is reached.
axisxyYour handler will only trigger if a movement is detected on the specified axis.
lockDirectionxyIf true, the gesture will lock the first detected direction.
boundsxyLimits the gesture movement and offset to the specified bounds.
distanceBoundspinchLimits the distance movement and offset to the specified bounds.
angleBoundspinchLimits the angle movement and offset to the specified bounds.
rubberbandallThe elasticity coefficient of the gesture when going out of bounds. When set to true, the elasticiy coefficient will be defaulted to 0.15
transformallA function that you can use to transform pointer values. Useful to map your screen coordinates to custom space coordinates such as a canvas.
filterTapsdragIf true, the component won't trigger your drag logic if the user just clicked on the component.
experimental_preventWindowScrollYdragIf true, drag will be triggered after 250ms and will prevent window scrolling.
useTouchdragIf true, drag will use touch events on touch-enabled devices. Read more below.
delaydragIf set, the handler will be delayed for the duration of the delay (in ms) — or if the user starts moving. When set to true, delay is defaulted to 180ms.
swipeDistancedragThe minimum distance per axis (in pixels) the drag gesture needs to travel to trigger a swipe.
swipeVelocitydragThe minimum velocity per axis (in pixels / ms) the drag gesture needs to reach before the pointer is released.
swipeDurationdragThe maximum duration in milliseconds that a swipe is detected.

Options explained


node | Ref

👍 ‌ ‌Vue UseGesture also supports adding handlers to dom nodes directly (or the window or document objects). In that case, you shouldn't spread the bind() object returned by the hooks as a prop. Cleaning is handled automatically.

  export default {
    setup() {
      const [{ width }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ width: 0 }))
      const height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight

      useScroll(({ xy: [, y] }) => set({ width: (y / height) * 100 }), { domTarget: window })

      const style = computed(() => ({ width }))
      return { style }
<div :style="style" />

The code above binds the scroll gesture to the document window, and acts as a scroll indicator. Try scrolling the page and you'll see the blue bar progress.

You can also directly pass a ref to domTarget. This is actually usefull when you want your events not to be passive.

  <div :ref="myRef" />

  export default {
    setup() {
      const myRef = ref(null)
      // This will add a scroll listener the div
      useScroll(({ event }) => event.preventDefault(), {
        domTarget: myRef,
        eventOptions: { passive: false },
      return { myRef }


{capture: boolean, passive: bolean}
{capture: false, passive: true}

When eventOptions.capture is set to true, events will be captured.

eventOptions.passive sets whether events are passive.



Lets you specify which window element the gesture should bind events to (only relevant for the drag gesture).



Whether the gesture is enabled.


vector | (gestureState) => vector

Everytime a gesture starts, the movement state attribute is set to [0,0]. But in some cases, you might want to calculate movement from an initial position that is external to your logic[1].

Let's take a tangible example: say that a draggable component turns back to its initial position slowly. In the meantime, the draggable component should still be interruptible at any moment. In that case, you can use initial to set the position of the component at the moment the user drags it to the value of the spring.

TODO: the following example doesn't work as expected, WIP.

Drag the blue square and before it goes back to its origin drag it again. If you've unticked the checkbox, you'll notice that the square goes back to its origin instead of moving from where you've dragged it: that's because movement is by default reset to [0,0].

The code below shows how the example works:

  <div v-bind="bind()" :style="style" />

  export default {
    setup() {
      const [{ x }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0 }))
      const bind = useDrag(
        ({ down, movement: [mx] }) => set({ x: down ? mx : 0, immediate: down, config: { duration: 3000 } }),
        { initial: () => [x.value, 0] }
      const style = computed(() => ({ transform: `translate3d(${x.value}px,0,0)` }))
      return { bind, style }


vector | number

By default, your gesture handler will be triggered as soon as an event is fired. However, there are situations where you want to make sure the user action is intentional: that's where threshold comes into play.

threshold is the minimum displacement the gesture movement needs to travel before your handler is fired.

x: 100 px
y: 100 px

In this example, we've set the threshold to 100[2] and made visible when that threshold is exceeded: when you start dragging the blue square, you'll see a ghost square showing how many pixels are left until the blue square starts moving per axis[3].

  <div v-bind="bind()" :style="style" />

  export default {
    setup() {
      const [{ x, y }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0 }))
      const bind = useDrag(({ offset: [x, y] }) => set({ x, y }), {
        threshold: 10,
      const style = computed(() => ({ transform: `translate3d(${x.value}px,${y.value}px,0)` }))
      return { bind, style }

If you still want your handler to be triggered for non intentional displacement, this is where the triggerAllEvents config option and the intentional state attribute become useful.



Forces the handler to fire even for non intentional displacement (ignores the threshold). In that case, the intentional attribute from state will remain false until the threshold is reached.


  • Bounds: { top?: number, bottom?: number, left?: number, right?: number }
  • (gestureState) => Bounds
{ top: -Infinity, bottom: Infinity, left: -Infinity, right: Infinity }

If you want to set contraints to the user gesture, then you should use the bounds option. In that case, both the gesture movement and offset will be clamped to the specified bounds. bounds will be defaulted to Infinity when not set.

  <div v-bind="bind()" :style="style" />

  export default {
    setup() {
      const [{ x, y }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0 }))
      const bind = useDrag(({ down, offset: [ox, oy] }) => set({ x: ox, y: oy, immediate: down }), {
        bounds: { left: -100, right: 100, top: -50, bottom: 50 },
      const style = computed(() => ({ transform: `translate3d(${x.value}px,${y.value}px,0)` }))
      return { bind, style }

distanceBounds and angleBounds serve the same purpose as bounds for the pinch gesture, in a {min,max} format.


  • DistanceBounds: { min?: number, max?: number }
  • (gestureState) => DistanceBounds
{ min: -Infinity, max: Infinity }


  • AngleBounds: { min?: number, max?: number }
  • (gestureState) => AngleBounds
{ min: -Infinity, max: Infinity }


boolean | number | vector

In some cases, you may want to simulate resistance when the user drags a component, for example when the end of a content is reached[4].

You can set rubberband to true to use the default elasticity coeffecient of 0.15, or specify your own. The rubberband option also accepts a vector if you want to set different elasticity coeffecients per axis.

  <div v-bind="bind()" :style="style" />

  export default {
    setup() {
      const [{ x, y }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0 }))
      const bind = useDrag(({ down, offset: [ox, oy] }) => set({ x: ox, y: oy, immediate: down }), {
        bounds: { left: -100, right: 100, top: -50, bottom: 50 },
        rubberband: true,
      const style = computed(() => ({ transform: `translate3d(${x.value}px,${y.value}px,0)` }))
      return { bind, style }

Note that you have to set bounds for rubberbanding to take effect.

If you stop your gesture while being off-bounds, the offset or movement for the last event will be reverted to the closest bounds.


(xy: Vector2) => Vector2

When you're interacting with canvas objects, you're dealing with space coordinates that aren't measured in pixels. In that case, you can tell 👍 ‌ ‌Vue UseGesture to map screen values to the space with a transform function.

TODO: we'll add trois example here.

As you can see from the example below, we use the transform function to map the screen coordinates to THREE coordinates. Note that bounds or initial values are expected to be expressed in the new space coordinates. Only threshold always refers to screen pixel values.

// todo: example code

When you use the useGesture hook, you can set the transform option at the shared level and at the gesture level, with the transform set at the gesture level oveerriding the shared one.

useGesture({/* handlers */ }, {
  transform: ([x, y]) => [x/2, y/2 ] // shared transform applies to all gestures
  pinch: {
    transform: xy => xy // specific pinch transform overrides shared

axis (xy gestures only)

x | y | undefined

axis makes it easy to constraint the user gesture to a specific axis.

  <div v-bind="bind()" :style="style" />

  export default {
    setup() {
      const [{ x }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0 }))
      const bind = useDrag(({ down, movement: [mx] }) => set({ x: down ? mx : 0 }), { axis: 'x' })
      const style = computed(() => ({ transform: `translate3d(${x.value}px,${y.value}px,0)` }))
      return { bind, style }

From the code below it isn't obvious to understand why axis might be useful, since in any case the y movement isn't part of the logic.

But in reality axis does slightly more than just locking the gesture direction: if it detects that the user intent is to move the component in a different direction, it will stop firing the gesture handler. Here is an example to show the difference.

The component above can only move along the x axis. But try dragging and moving the component on the vertical axis. Without the axis option, you should notice the component movement will slightly jiggle horizontally because your movement won't be perfectly vertical.

lockDirection (xy gestures only)


lockDirection allows you to lock the movement of the gesture once a direction has been detected. In other words, if the user starts moving horizontally, the gesture will be locked on the x axis.

  <div v-bind="bind()" :style="style" />

  export default {
    setup() {
      const [{ x, y }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0 }))
      const bind = useDrag(
        ({ down, movement: [mx, my] }) => {
          set({ x: down ? mx : 0, y: down ? my : 0, immediate: down })
        { lockDirection: true }
      const style = computed(() => ({ transform: `translate3d(${x.value}px,${y.value}px,0)` }))
      return { bind, style }

filterTaps (drag only)


Making a draggable component tappable or clickable can be tricky: differenciating a click from a drag is not always trivial. When you set filterTaps to true, the tap state attribute will be true on release if the total displacement is inferior to 3 pixels while down will remain false all along.

status: idle
  <div v-bind="bind()" :style="style" />

  export default {
    setup() {
      const [{ x, y }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0 }))
      const bind = useDrag(
        ({ down, movement: [mx, my], tap }) => {
          if (tap) alert('tap!')
          set({ x: down ? mx : 0, y: down ? my : 0 })
        { filterTaps: true }
      const style = computed(() => ({ transform: `translate3d(${x.value}px,${y.value}px,0)` }))
      return { bind, style }

If you still want your handler to be triggered for non intentional displacement, this is where the triggerAllEvents config option and the intentional state attribute become useful.


This is an experimental feature, relevant for mobile devices.

touch-action: none is a common css property that you'll set on draggable items so that scroll doesn't interfere with the drag behavior on touch devices. However, this generally means that the scroll of the page can't be initiated from the draggable element. This is fine if your page isn't meant to be scrolled or if your draggable element is relatively small, but in case of large draggable areas this might become a usability issue.

experimental_preventWindowScrollY is a convenient way to have both vertical drag and vertical scrolling coexist. Note that scroll will always have precedence over drag. To drag vertically the user will have to press the draggable area for 250ms without moving. After these 250ms the element is draggable and scroll is prevented. Note that if you drag horizontally the scroll will immediately be prevented without waiting for 250ms.

TODO: we'll add trois example here.

On desktop, you should be able to drag the torus as you would expect. On mobile, initiating the scroll from the torus should let you scroll the page as expected. Hold touch and drag and you should be able to drag the canvas. This might be clunky as still under test.

useTouch (drag only)

Most gestures, drag included, use pointer events. This works well in 99 situations in 100, but pointer events get canceled on touch devices when the user starts scrolling. Usually this is what you actually want, and the browser does it for you. But in some situations you may want the drag to persist while scrolling. In that case you'll need to indicate 👍 ‌ ‌Vue UseGesture to use touch events, which aren't canceled on scroll.

delay (drag only)

boolean | number

delay delays the drag gesture for the amount of milliseconds you specify. This might be useful if you don't want your logic to fire right away. The below example has a delay set to 1000. Try clicking on the square without moving your mouse.

1000ms before drag starts

Note that delay and threshold don't play well together: without moving your pointer, your handler will never get triggered.

  <div v-bind="bind()" :style="style" />

  export default {
    setup() {
      const [{ x, y, scale }, set] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0, scale: 1 }))
      const bind = useDrag(
        ({ down, movement: [mx, my] }) => set({ x: down ? mx : 0, y: down ? my : 0, scale: down ? 1.2 : 1 }),
        { delay: 1000 }
      const style = computed(() => ({ transform: `scale(${scale.value}) translate3d(${x.value}px,${y.value}px,0)` }))
      return { bind, style }

swipeDistance (drag only)

['number', 'vector']

See the swipe state attribute for more.

swipeVelocity (drag only)

['number', 'vector']

See the swipe state attribute for more.

swipeDuration (drag only)


A drag gesture lasting moore than swipeDuration (in milliseconds) will never be considered a swipe. See the swipe state attribute for more.

  1. If you're used to 👍 ‌ ‌Vue UseGesture, this was the most common usecase for memo. ↩︎

  2. This is a bit extreme in actual use cases you would be closer to 20. ↩︎

  3. As you might have noticed from the example above, threshold works per axis: if the gesture exceeds the threshold value horizontally, you will get updates for horizontal displacement, but vertical threshold will have to be reached before vertical displacement is registered. ↩︎

  4. Have a look at this article for more details about building mobile interfaces. ↩︎